Required Covid-19 Screening
Parents, staff, providers and essential visitors
COVID-19 school and child care screening tool
Answer the following questions before going to the child care centre today.
A negative result must be obtained to access the child care service.
Email or download your PDF result to the Supervisor, at the appropriate location.
La niche des lionceaux : lnd@wnccc.ca
La tanière des tout-petits : tdtp@wnccc.ca
Home Based Child Care : carole@wnccc.ca
Centre Based Child Care : cbsf@wnccc.ca
Service de garde des louveteaux : sdgl@wnccc.ca
La ruche des petites abeilles : rdpa@wnccc.ca
Stepping Stone and EarlyON Child and Family Centre : josee@wnccc.ca
Reception : reception@wnccc.ca