Latest News and Announcements
11 JUNE 2020.
This letter is to provide you with the 09 June 2020 directives from the Ministry of Education Early Years and Child Care Division in conjunction with the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board.
Emergency child care will come to an end on 26 June 2020 and families served through emergency child care will resume paying fees. To support families as they transition back to paying fees, the province will continue to cover child care fees for these families until 26 June 2020, whether they continue to access emergency child care during this time or have transitioned to another child care arrangement.
Should you have questions pertaining to this letter, you may contact the Centre Base site supervisor at 705-753-3129 or 705-753-4144.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Lise C. Duhaime
Executive Director