Latest News and Announcements
Please dress appropriately for the occasion. Events will only be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. Do to the location of the events washrooms are not available please come prepared for your child. Beverages will be served.
Gross Motor
January 13, 2022.
Location: Water Tower 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
Gross motor skills are abilities that let us do tasks that involve large muscles in our torso, legs, and arms. They involve the whole-body movements.
Activity: Simon says…with animal actions and Sliding
Social Development
March 17, 2022.
Location: Goulard Park 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
Social skills are important for learning how to follow rules, comprising, turn taking, negotiating and communicating.
Activity: Relay Race
Fine Motor
May 19, 2022.
Location: Fort Trail 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
Fine motor skills involves the small muscles of the body that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects and fastening clothing.
Activity: Loose Parts Wind Chime
Story: “This is not just a stick”
Cognitive Development
June 16, 2022.
Location: Alain Court Park 10:00a.m.- 2:00p.m.
Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. If one of these areas are weak no matter the information coming in is impacted.
Activity: Life Size Memory Game and Life Size Colour Matching Game
Please dress appropriately for the occasion. Events will only be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. Do to the location of the events washrooms are not available please come prepared for your child. Beverages will be served.